Innovation in Child-Centred Learning – Live Webinar


This webinar is an exciting, free learning opportunity for all kinds of educators, from anywhere in the world. A panel of expert speakers – moderated by Professor Catherine McTamaney, award-winning educator and author – will share insights on child-centred learning, spread ideas and inspire reflection on innovation in education, and describe how attendees can get involved in the Montessori Global Education and HundrED Child-Centred Learning Spotlight project. 

Why attend?

This event is for anyone involved in education – in traditional or non-traditional learning environments – interested in child-centred, innovative approaches to learning. Attendees will get: 

  • insights on the concept and benefits of child-centred learning – how it helps prepare children for the future with creativity, resilience and independence, 
  • new ideas about innovation in education, which can unlock opportunities for meaningful learning and development, 
  • an understanding of how to get involved in the Child-Centred Learning Spotlight project – including examples of the kinds of innovations we hope will apply, and 
  • the opportunity to engage with speakers via the webinar’s Q&A. 

How to register

Click the button below to register today! 

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Published On: August 30th, 2024Categories: TeaserTags: , ,
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