Looking for the highest quality education for your child?

Search our list of high-quality, recognised and regularly monitored education providers, settings and schools, including Montessori specialists and community innovators, right across the globe. Click on the tab below that describes you best for a handy guide to help you get the most out of this resource for your particular needs, then proceed to the list below where you can filter by name, location (town/city/country) or by region (UK or International).
Parents investing in Montessori education are likely to carry out thorough research before choosing the best educational setting for their child. Choosing a STAR recognised educational setting for your child provides reassurance that their learning experiences will be of the highest-quality with practitioners and educators dedicated to fulfilling the educational standards and principles key to a Montessori education.
Our STAR framework gives a parent the confidence that their child will not only have access to innovative, appropriate and relevant educational support but will also have the best chance of working towards their full potential. Parents can be reassured that annual monitoring and a regular reaccreditation cycle to retain STAR recognition help to ensure that both Montessori principles and practice will be maintained.
Achievement of STAR demonstrates a setting’s commitment to offering its children the highest possible standards of education, respect, attention and care. Accreditation is awarded to settings that trust and respect a child’s need to learn through freedom of choice. They offer a prepared learning environment that supports a child’s natural path of development and they acknowledge each child’s individuality within the context of their own family.
Are you in interested in gaining accreditation?
Achieving STAR recognition provides external assurance of educational quality and excellence within Montessori practice and across all educational activity within a setting.
The STAR certificate indicates that the setting has successfully engaged with a professional peer-reviewed accreditation process and can illustrate a commitment to transparency and openness for all prospective children; their families and potential new staff.
The STAR process affords recognition to the accredited setting that can be used to provide regulatory inspection bodies, (such as Ofsted in the UK), with effective evidence of professional good standing.
Are you a teacher, trainee teacher or other staff member looking for quality Montessori settings?
There is a strong ethos amongst Montessori practitioners for quality education based on internationally accepted values – this principled approach is central to the STAR framework.
The process of recognition focuses on high-quality evidence from the setting, reflective of clearly communicated standards of excellence and a drive for continual improvement within the setting. The peer-review approach of the STAR observation and evaluation processes ensures a shared commitment to raising standards and expectations across the sector, for the benefit of individual settings and of the profession.
STAR represents a level of support and commitment for its accredited settings and their staff that secures encouragement; effective training, and personal and professional development opportunities whilst working in stimulating and inspirational environments.
STAR recognition provides a straightforward way of demonstrating to parents, the wider community, regulatory bodies and inspection services that a setting is committed to on-going quality provision, self-evaluation and quality improvement. STAR demonstrates a setting’s commitment to offering its children the highest possible standards of education, respect, attention and care.
Accreditation is awarded to settings that trust and respect a child’s need to learn through freedom of choice. They offer a prepared learning environment that supports a child’s natural path of development and they acknowledge each child’s individuality within the context of their own family.
Search our list of education providers who hold the STAR quality-mark for excellence in practice – across the UK and worldwide
Use the filters below to refine your search by town, city, country or search by keyword such as name, location or region. Visit a settings website or send them an email by clicking on the links provided.
For the best viewing experience please view this list on a tablet, laptop or desktop device. On smart phones click the plus icon next to the setting name to reveal further information about that setting. To sort each column in ascending or descending order please use the arrows next to each column heading where available on hover.
Name of setting | Location | Region | Website URL | Status | Expiry Date | |
Montessori by Busy Bees | Putney | South East | https://www.busybeeschildcare.co.uk/nursery/east-putney | putney.centredirector@busybees.com | Accredited | 01/11/2025 |
Montessori International Tirana | Albania | International | https://montessoritirana.al/ | info@montessoritirana.al | Accredited | 01/11/2025 |
Haydon Hall Montessori | Harrow | South East | https://www.brighthorizons.co.uk/our-nurseries/haydon-hall-montessori-day-nursery | haydonhall.head@asquithmontessori.co.uk | Accredited | 01/07/2025 |
Little Sweethearts Montessori School | Warwick Avenue | South East | https://www.littlesweethearts.co.uk/ | info@littlesweethearts.co.uk | Accredited | 06/01/2023 |
Merrydays and Henley Montessori | Henley-in-Arden | Midlands | https://www.henleymontessori.co.uk/ | helen.everley@henleymontessori.co.uk | Accredited | 01/11/2025 |
Explorers Schools (LEMP), Ghana | Ghana | International | https://explorersschoolsgh.com/ | kamilla@explorersschoolsgh.com | Accredited | 30/06/2025 |
Kids Planet Sandbach Montessori | Cheshire | North West | https://www.kidsplanetdaynurseries.co.uk/find-a-nursery/sandbach-montessori/ | centralsupportenquiries@kidsplanetdaynurseries.co.uk | Accredited | 31/12/2024 |
Fountain Montessori pre-school | Edgware | South East | https://fountainmontessori.com/ | admin@fountainmontessori.com | Accredited | 31/03/2025 |
Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nursery Angel | Angel | South East | https://www.hopesanddreams.co.uk/ | city@hopesanddreams.co.uk | Accredited | 01/02/2025 |
International Montessori School of Albania | Albania | International | https://montessori.al/ | info@montessori.al | Accredited | 31/12/2025 |
Rushbrook Primary Academy | Manchester | North West | https://rpa.bright-futures.co.uk/ | admin@rpa.bright-futures.co.uk | Accredited | 05/06/2022 |
Children's House Montessori | Abu Dhabi | International | https://thechildrenshousemontessori.com/ | Accredited | 05/06/2022 | |
Milkshake Montessori | Twickenham | South | http://milkshakemontessori.co.uk/ | info@milkshakemontessori.co.uk | Accredited | 31/07/2025 |
The Elms - Early Years provision | Colwall | Midlands | https://www.elmsschool.co.uk/ | office@elmsschool.co.uk | Accredited | 30/06/2025 |
Redwood Montessori Nursery - Garhoud Dubai | Dubai | International | https://www.theredwoodnursery.com/ | info.garhoud@theredwoodnursery.com | Accredited | 31/12/2024 |
Little Gems Montessori Nursery | Cyprus | International | https://www.littlegemsmontessori.com/ | littlegemsmontessori@gmail.com | Accredited | 31/07/2023 |
Horsham Montessori | Horsham | South East | https://montessori-uk.co.uk/ | info@montessori-uk.co.uk | Accredited | 31/10/2023 |
Holly Tree Montessori Nursery | Stockport | North West | https://www.hollytreemontessorinursery.co.uk/ | stockport@hollytreemontessorinursery.co.uk | Accredited | 31/10/2024 |
The Lighthouse Nursery School | Newington | South | https://www.lighthousenurseryschool.co.uk/index.php | office@lighthousenurseryschool.co.uk | Accredited | 31/10/2025 |
Pear Tree Montessori Nursery | Sale | North West | https://www.peartreemontessorinursery.co.uk/ | sale@peartreemontessorinursery.co.uk | Accredited | 31/10/2024 |
Jakarta Montessori School | Indonesia | International | https://jakartamontessori.sch.id/ | admin@jakartamontessori.com | Accredited | 05/06/2023 |
Planet Montessori Mostar | Bosnia & Herzegovina | International | http://www.planet-montessori.ba/index.php/hr/ | info@planet-montessori.ba | Accredited | 05/06/2023 |
Village Montessori Nursery | Epping, Essex | Eastern England | https://goo.gl/maps/9e3v5oQAt6pDCc9F8 | villagemontessori@hotmail.com | Accredited | 01/11/2024 |
Otkrivatel Montessori School (Discover Montessori School) | Bulgaria | International | https://montessorischools.bg/ | hello@montessorischools.bg | Accredited | 30/11/2025 |
Little Gems Montessori Nursery | Kent | South East | https://www.littlegemsmontessori.co.uk | littlegemsmontessori@outlook.com | Accredited | 01/11/2024 |
Montessori by Busy Bees | South Lambeth Wandsworth | South East | https://www.busybeeschildcare.co.uk/nursery/wandsworth-road | southlambeth.centredirector@busybees.com | Accredited | 01/11/2024 |
Buttercups - Chalfont Park | Chalfont Park | South East | https://www.buttercups-nursery.co.uk | chudasamakirti18@gmail.com | Accredited | 31/10/2025 |
Fountain Montessori Nursery & Pre-school | St Albans | South East | https://fountainmontessori.com/ | office@fountainmontessori.com | Accredited | 31/03/2025 |
Fountain Montessori Nursery Pre-school and Nido | Colindale | South East | https://fountainmontessori.com/ | colindale@fountainmontessori.com | Accredited | 30/09/2025 |
Holly Grange Montessori Nursery Lymm | Lymm | North West | https://hollygrangemontessori.co.uk/ | hello@hgmnursery.co.uk | Accredited | 30/04/2025 |
Montessori by Busy Bees | Kenton | South East | https://www.busybeeschildcare.co.uk/nursery/kenton | prestonhill.centredirector@busybees.com | Accredited | 01/11/2024 |
Udruga IKS | Croatia | International | https://udrugaiks.hr/ | iks@udrugaiks.hr | Accredited | 31/03/2025 |
Chrysalis Montessori | Muswell Hill | South East | https://chrysalismontessori.com/ | roxana_haloiu@chrysalismontessori.com | Accredited | 31/07/2025 |
Hopes and Dreams Montessori Nursery Old Street | Old Street | South East | https://www.hopesanddreams.co.uk/ | OldStreet@hopesanddreams.co.uk | Accredited | 01/08/2025 |
Privett Montessori Nursery School | Alton | South East | https://privettmontessori.co.uk/ | Veronica@privettmontessori.co.uk | Accredited | 31/07/2025 |
Nahda Academy | Jeddah | International | https://nahda-academy.edu.sa/ | info@nahda-academy.edu.sa | Accredited | 30/06/2025 |
Montessori Hour | Mumbai | International | https://www.lsgurukul.com/ | info@lsgurukul.com | Accredited | 30/11/2024 |
Montessori High | Bulgaria | International | https://montessori-high.com/bg | hi@montessori-hi.com | Accredited | 30/11/2025 |
Montessori 4 All - A Love of Learning | Cyprus | International | aloveoflearningmontessori@outlook.com | Accredited | 30/11/2025 | |
Little Land Nursery and Montessori Centre | Dubai | International | https://www.littlelandnursery.com/ | info@littlelandnursery.com | Accredited | 31/01/2025 |
Learning World Montessori | Croydon | South east | https://learningworldmontessori.co.uk/ | learningworldmontessori@gmail.com | Accredited | 30/09/2025 |