Rushbrook Primary Academy Logo

Rushbrook Primary Academy

We are a large primary school in East Manchester. We have a have a vibrant, happy, and welcoming environment with a diverse group of pupils and staff. Currently, around 40 different languages are spoken in our school. We work hard to establish links with parents/carers and the community. We run a range of classes for parents/carers and communicate regularly regarding the progress of their children.

All our EYFS pupils ben efit from a Montessori curriculum which we have been successfully implementing for over 15 years. The children thrive from the self directed , hands on learning where they can make creative choices . We have two qualified Montessori Trainers at Rushbrook and all our EYFS staff are Montessori qualified.

If you chose to study the Integrating Montessori Practice IMP qualification at Rushbrook you will benefit from time spent observing in our Montessori classrooms and discussions with a range of experienced and enthusiastic Montessori qualified staff.

Clare Niederbuhl, Montessori Trainer and Key Stage 1 Lead says:

We are hugely passionate about Montessori at Rushbrook and have been for a long time. Our children thrive and become lifelong learners because of the independence the approach cultivates. Being a host centre will enable us to showcase how well the method works in any setting and provide learners with real experiences in our Montessori classrooms and the opportunity to learn from a range of staff.

Rushbrook Primary Academy will offer a range of MCI programmes including:

Integrating Montessori Practice (IMP): Philosophy & Practice

For more information or to register for a course please visit